Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chapter 4

Response to chapter 4 reading.

I always knew that getting the audience’s attention is the first important thing when conducting a presentation, however like many, I can time to time have trouble determining how to go about it.  Although I might not go in to my classroom with pink hair and a boa, I think the authors point was clear because of this.  When I was younger, I was always told to lessen my make up in high school during presentations because it can distract. I never paid attention back then because I thought who really is looking at that.  Now that I am older and after reading this chapter, how a presenter presents them self really does matter and can distract or bring attention.  When reading on finding a hook for audiences, I was little confused with the Velcro part. I didn’t understand why the author was talking about Velcro until I realized that it was meant to show that we have to get the audience hooked to what we are going to present.  I think with the help of this chapter, and the prioritizing grid, I can prepare better presentations for my students to meet higher level learning by keeping them interested in what is being presented and learned.

Burmark, L. (2011). They snooze you lose: the educator's guide to successful presentations. (p. 262). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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